This article series through Hebrews has aimed to exalt our extraordinary Christ! We have beheld the beauty of the person and work of Jesus, the divine Son. He is our Savior and brother, the true High Priest who mediates a better covenant and secures an eternal redemption based on better promises accomplished through his own spotless sacrifice. The glory packed into that last sentence should floor us! Truly, we have every reason to cling to Jesus.
But how tragic would it be to turn from this book and attempt to persevere in our confession by our own strength? When I was a little boy, I once went down the slide at my grandparents’ pool without floaties, even though I knew I couldn’t swim. I had simply forgotten what I needed to stay afloat, and my dad had to jump in to rescue me. The equipment for safe swimming was available, but I found myself flailing around in the water on my own.
I often forget what I have been given in Christ, and the strength available to me because of him. The author of Hebrews ends his letter with this prayerful benediction:
“Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with every good thing that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” (13:20-21)
Don’t flail around on your own! Remember that God is the one who equips you to endure in faithfulness to his Son.
Equipped by God
It is remarkable that the Christian’s ability to live faithfully comes from God himself. In addition to praying for this to happen, the author remarks that “it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace” (13:9), making a contrast to external efforts of mere ritualism. It is God who is “working in us,” and lest we forget all that has come before in Hebrews, we are reminded that God does this “through Jesus Christ” (13:21). Our extraordinary equipping comes from our extraordinary equipper working through his extraordinary Son.
Friends, recall this when you feel like the weight of living and serving in a small town falls squarely on your shoulders. Remember this when you think the answer to limited resources is working impossibly long hours and filling every ministry yourself. Remember this when you are tempted to neglect prayer because the ministry will falter without your time and effort. Remember this when you begin to feel like holding fast to Christ simply means trying harder. Faithfulness does involve good works, but the power does not come from you. You will not endure on natural talent, homiletical prowess, administrative skill, or diverse gifting. Rather, the same God who raised Jesus from the dead is at work in you. So slow down, believe this truth, and pray for God’s equipping.
Equipped with Every Good Thing
The entire letter contains a wealth of blessings that could be added to an endless list of “every good thing” (cf. “every spiritual blessing,” Ephesians 1:3). But three “good things” stand out in chapter 13.
God equips you with His presence (13:5-6). The author reminds us of God’s promise in Joshua 1:5, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” This promise allows us to “confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” (13:6; cf. Ps 118:6). When rural towns and small ministries seem lonely, trust that God is always with you.
God equips you with godly leadership (13:7-8, 17). Experience of this blessing may not be uniform, but it should be typical for Christians. Godly leaders serve as examples when we remember them and “imitate their faith” (13:7). The author possibly envisions leaders who ministered God’s word in the past and have since died so that “the outcome of their way of life” is a faithful perseverance to the end. Certainly, we should remember the examples of Old Testament saints (chapter 11) and of Jesus himself (12:1-3), but who do you look up to who has personally passed on the pattern of the faith in word and deed? Godly leaders also serve as good authority, providing a watch over souls to the benefit of God’s people (13:17).
Are you a solo pastor in a small church? Remember, God has given you as a gift, example, and authority to your congregation as you “equip the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12). Do you lament the lack of godly leadership in your context? Patiently pray that God would raise up qualified men to serve the church. Do you find yourself struggling in leadership because no one functions as a role model in your life? Consider reaching out to other like-minded ministers in your region to meet regularly and establish the blessing of brotherhood.
God equips you with New Covenant privileges (13:9-15). This is no surprise after the previous twelve chapters! The author draws an analogy between sin sacrifices burned outside Israel’s camp and Jesus’s own suffering “outside the gate” (13:11-12). Jewish Christians were likely being pushed and pulled to abandon Jesus and cling instead to Judaism. But Christ’s suffering has secured the hope of the lasting heavenly city (13:14; cf. 11:16). Therefore, our privilege is to hope for that future, suffer with Christ (13:13), and offer up the “sacrifice of praise” through him (13:15).
Equipped to Do His Will
Another way to describe God’s will is “that which is pleasing in his sight” (13:21). Broadly, this means paying close attention to the message of Jesus (cf. 2:1) and holding fast to our confession (4:14; cf. 3:6; 6:18; 10:23). But having committed to Jesus, don’t miss what this looks like specifically in our lives throughout chapter 13. The fruit of clinging to Christ is ordinary faithfulness. Brotherly love. Hospitality. Ministering to prisoners, probably believers suffering for their faith. Honorable sexuality. Contentment. Willingness to suffer. Submission to leaders. Prayer.
After the rich, theologically complex teaching of Hebrews, the author calls his audience not to elite scholarship or deep musings, but to a simple life of faith. God wants disciples of Jesus who endure in the faith, and he can bring this to pass through the ministry of the rural congregation just as much as through the gospel-preaching pulpit of the metropolitan megachurch. Yes, God uses means to accomplish his purposes, but ultimately your church doesn’t need numbers or technology or a bigger building or even you. It needs Jesus. And faithfulness is measured by commitment to him, not to those other things.
So point to him. Preach the next sermon. Invite the visitor over for lunch and explain the gospel. Support the married couple seeking to hold it together. Train that high school student in apologetics. Pick up the elderly member from the nursing home. Pray with and for the church. Commit to discipleship. Do all of this because Jesus is worthy.
God can strengthen you for these things, so don’t flail around in the pool on your own! Hold fast to the extraordinary Christ of Hebrews, knowing that it is God who equips you to persevere in faithfulness to his Son. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen!