Recently, in preparing to teach our small group leaders how to grow in encouraging their small groups, I was struck by the necessity of encouraging one another in Christ. A quick look at the use of the word “encouragement” in the book of Hebrews makes it clear that the author deems encouragement necessary both in fighting sin and preparing one another for Jesus’ return.
“But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3:13).
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:24-25).
These passages point out the necessity of encouraging one another, and, more specifically, the importance of every believer encouraging others in Christ. As I pondered the ways others have encouraged me in my walk with Christ, what emerged were ten ways we can encourage others in Christ. They’re not huge, time-consuming tasks, but rather acts that simply require some intentionality on our part.
1. Share your excitement in the Lord with others.
Simply share with others the ways you see God working in your heart, ways he has answered your prayers or has been providing for your needs.
2. Thank others who encourage you with their excitement in the Lord.
In thanking others for encouraging you, you’re actually encouraging them to continue encouraging others. This creates a cycle of encouragement.
3. Tell stories of what God has recently done for you.
We believe in a God who is sovereign over all things, so it’s good to recognize some of the infinite ways he is working in our lives and then boast in him.
4. Share with others what God has been showing you in his Word.
I have a friend who always seems to have something to share from his daily devotional reading. His example makes me want to read the Word more carefully and be more expectant of God opening his Word to me in new ways.
5. Point out ways you see others growing in the Lord.
Recognizing and sharing ways you see others growing in their walk with God helps them notice things they themselves may have taken for granted.
6. Thank others for specific ways their actions have pointed you to Christ.
Many of us have people in our lives who help us feel closer to Jesus after having spent time with them. Some of them do this without even realizing that God is using them this way. Encourage them by sharing the ways you see them doing this.
7. Acknowledge that God has given the giftedness you see in others.
The Bible is clear that we are all given gifts meant for building up the body of Christ. Taking the time to recognize those gifts in others makes them want to use them more.
8. If someone is hurting, take the time to pray with them right then and there.
Taking the extra minute or two to pray for someone in the moment (rather than telling them as you walk away that you will pray for them) is always an encouragement. Pray for them in the moment when you’re able.
9. Share your own struggles and how they have grown your dependence on God.
Most people value transparency. Being transparent with our weaknesses gives us the perfect opportunity to boast in God’s strength.
10. Help others see how God’s Word speaks into their current situation.
Pointing others to the relevance of God’s Word encourages them to continue to seek God’s wisdom and direction in the future.
These are just a few of the many ways we can be encouraging other believers. The more we practice these forms of encouragement (and others), the more natural this will become for us, and the more we’ll be able to strengthen our brothers and sisters.
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Jeff Willett
Jeff is the Associate Pastor at Pepperrell Christian Fellowship in Pepperell Massachusetts. He is a graduate of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and an approved church planter through Acts 29 and the Nineveh Network. Jeff and his wife Christie have three daughters and are preparing to plant a church in Townsend Massachusetts.