STS New Hampshire

On Thursday, May 22nd, 2025, Small Town Summits will host a Summit at Christ Community Church in Weare, NH . Pastors and lay leaders from small places across New Hampshire will learn how to more effectively counsel others, and how to encourage and equip our congregations to grow in offering wise counsel.


One of the tasks of small-town ministers is to learn how to more effectively counsel others, and to encourage and equip our congregations to grow in offering wise counsel. This year, our plenary sessions will highlight the importance of God’s Word and Christ’s church for personal transformation in the life of believers, together with a call (and practical equipping) for each believer, including pastors/elders, to grow in our ability to offer wise biblical counsel. Breakout sessions, and also a plenary panel discussion, will provide opportunities to get practical, go deep, and explore through questioning.


  • 8.30 – 9am - Arrival and registration

  • 9 – 10am - Welcome, Singing, STS and CCEF-NE Vision, Introductions

  • 10 – 10:45am - Session #1: God’s Word, Christ’s Church: The Catalyst and Context for Transformation and group discussion (Doug Cooper, STS)

  • 10:45 – 11am - Coffee break

  • 11am – Noon - Session #2: Counseling Applied - Growing as a Counselor and group discussion (Andy Engert, CCEF-NE)

  • Noon – 1pm - Lunch

  • 1 – 2pm - Breakout sessions

  • 2 – 2.15pm - Break

  • 2.15 – 3pm - Session #3: Counseling Panel (Andy Engert, Shawn Carpenter)

  • 3 – 3.30pm - Prayer

Main Sessions

In our first two main sessions, Doug Cooper and Andy Engert will speak to the content and context of biblical counseling and pursuing continued growth as biblical counselors. Our last main session will be a panel giving Summit participants opportunity to ask specific counseling questions for discussion among the panelists and fellow Summit attendees.

Doug Cooper

Doug Cooper serves as the Pastor of Christ Restoration Church in New London, NH. Doug completed a two-year program at Word of Life Bible Institute, as well earning an Associate Degree from River Valley Community College in Occupational Therapy, a BA in English Literature and Religion from Liberty University, and is currently working on a Master of Theological Studies degree from Westminster Theological Seminary. Doug and his wife Leah have four children, one dog, one cat, and five chickens.

Andy Engert

Andy Engert is the Executive Director at CCEF New England. He received his Master of Arts in counseling from Asbury Theological Seminary and has completed numerous CCEF School of Biblical Counseling certificate courses in preparation for becoming a biblical counselor. He has a passion for supporting the church in New England and for helping people find real help in the Lord as they face the significant challenges of life. Andy and his wife, Christine, have three sons, and he also serves as the Music Director at Christ Redeemer Church in Hanover, NH.

Breakout Sessions

How to Start (or Strengthen) a Soul Care Ministry within Your Church

Andy Engert

What might a counseling ministry look like within a small-town church?  How would a church go about starting one?  In this practical breakout session, guidance will be offered on starting (or strengthening) a counseling ministry in a local church.  Various models of church-based counseling ministry will be considered, along with essential questions that should be addressed to establish formal and informal counseling within a congregation.

Andy Engert is the Executive Director at CCEF New England. He received his Master of Arts in counseling from Asbury Theological Seminary and has completed numerous CCEF School of Biblical Counseling certificate courses in preparation for becoming a biblical counselor. He has a passion for supporting the church in New England and for helping people find real help in the Lord as they face the significant challenges of life. Andy and his wife, Christine, have three sons, and he also serves as the Music Director at Christ Redeemer Church in Hanover, NH.

Shepherding through Trauma, Abuse, and Sexual Assault

Shawn Capenter

Breakout description coming soon.

Shawn Carpenter is the lead pastor at Trinity Baptist Church in Nashua, NH. Prior to coming on board with Trinity in 2019, Shawn was a church-planter in California. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Shawn and his wife Laura have four sons, two who are out into young adulthood, and two still at home. He enjoys his coffee black-no sugar, Herman Bavinck, and the NBA League Pass, and not necessarily always in that order…


Shawn Carpenter

Shawn Carpenter is the lead pastor at Trinity Baptist Church in Nashua, NH. Prior to coming on board with Trinity in 2019, Shawn was a church-planter in California. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Shawn and his wife Laura have four sons, two who are out into young adulthood, and two still at home. He enjoys his coffee black-no sugar, Herman Bavinck, and the NBA League Pass, and not necessarily always in that order…

Doug Cooper

Doug Cooper serves as the Pastor of Christ Restoration Church in New London, NH. Doug completed a two-year program at Word of Life Bible Institute, as well earning an Associate Degree from River Valley Community College in Occupational Therapy, a BA in English Literature and Religion from Liberty University, and is currently working on a Master of Theological Studies degree from Westminster Theological Seminary. Doug and his wife Leah have four children, one dog, one cat, and five chickens.